4144 at Rolvenden. A steamy blip from Tryfan

A very interesting and entertaining day at Wittersham Road signalbox despite a third day of heavy rain.

We have a visiting locomotive for the foreseeable future: 4144, a Great Western Prairie Tank engine on loan from the Didcot Railway Centre. It was only meant to stay til September until circumstances got in the way. (https://www.railadvent.co.uk/2020/01/steam-locomotive-4144-to-visit-the-kent-and-east-sussex-railway.html)

For the third consecutive turn at the box I found the signalling technicians on site this time working on the cables controlling the signals furthest away from the box - in one case over 800 yards. It meant lots of work for me working and testing signals and points while repairs and maintenance was being carried out.

So much for the solitude of this isolated box. No time to practice the uke. I had to use a red flag to stop a train at the box to caution the driver that the Kent Fire and Rescue Service were on the track to rescue a runaway horse! They must have been successful as the driver reported back that the line was clear.

All the above meant quite a bit of paperwork to fill in recording the events of the day. There were positives of course, the Sunday Lunch Pullman was running so I had soup and roast potatoes delivered in the manner that mail was dropped off from the Travelling Post Office (much slower of course)

Good to see a different engine too, makes as change, it’s a powerful beast, making light work of the restart from the box with 5 carriages, uphill and on wet rails.

Talked to Chris this evening. A fair bit of interaction with Landon too despite the distraction of a room full of toys. They’re experiencing quite a heatwave in Southern California - been over 100f for several days. Chris moves to his new house next weekend. Good news.

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