
By dunkyc

Pecker up

What a difference a day made!

From yesterday’s dismal and relentless dousing to the bright sunshine and warmth of a lovely Sunday morning. Life is just a little bit easier isn’t it?!

As part of his pre-emptive birthday celebrations, I was content to pretty much let m’boy call the shots today and to be fair to him, he got it spot on! I packed a picnic, their scooters and a football and we headed off to Phase 1 of his plan for a scoot along a packed Grange Promenade, followed by an epic two-on-two game of football, which dwindled to one-on-one (the girls busting some moves in the adjacent skate park) and ended in a victory for him under “the next goal wins” rules.

Thereafter followed a scoot back to the car where appetites had clearly been worked up as the picnic, so lovingly prepared, was summarily demolished as we arrived at Foulshaw Moss nature reserve. I’d never been before, so wasn’t sure what to expect. In short: there’s not a right lot there apart from peace, tranquillity, lizards (see extra) and a very busy small bird feeding enclosure and accompanying hide.

With the sun bathing the hide in its warmth, I could have quite easily spent a happy afternoon there watching the coming and going of the birds. M’boy had a lovely time pointing out the various types and messing with the smaller camera as he tried to take some photos.

We were winding down our visit when he suddenly gave a big gasp (for one horrible moment, I thought he’d done himself a mischief) and pointed excitedly at the woodpecker who had alighted upon the suet feeder.

We spent a lovely few minutes watching it go about its business before something spooked it and its dining companions who beat a hasty retreat. Quitting whilst we were ahead, we did the same and headed for home.

His day only got better with a go on Fifa and - when I’d found the meat I’d bought for a cottage pie had taken a nasty turn - an unexpected battered sausage and chips for tea!

I’m calling it a win.

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