Furry Caterpillar

Despite being forecast a dry day, we started with a few downpours which was fun! Just what we needed! Thankfully we did manage to get out though to drop off more stuff to the charity shops in Leigh and came across this fellow who seemed hell bent on heading for a busy road, until I edged him towards the green verge! Can't say I'm too well versed on caterpillar identification so if anyone knows what this one is I'd love to know!

And today I've had to re-model the bunny hutch as he's finding the ramp too much of a struggle now as his back legs aren't working as well as his head thinks they should! So everything is all on one level now which should help him - needless to say, his legs worked fine on his hour long jaunt round the garden this afternoon! I had to find some gardening jobs to do so I could keep him company lol!

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