Home Again!

Hooray!  This morning we received word that we are allowed to reoccupy our apartment!

It was weird coming in -- it smelled funny.  That's because with the power off for four days, everything in the fridge and freezer was going south!  There were also dirty dishes in the kitchen sink (the dishwasher was running when the power went out, and the sink had our lunch dishes that wouldn't fit in the load), and the garbage and recycling bins were also getting stinky.  Oddly the kitchen tap was running ... I'm quite sure I didn't leave it that way!

Enter the White Tornado, wielding her bleach, sponges, hot soapy water, and scrubbers.  Now it's all clean/emptied/purged, all the windows are open to air the place out, and a sense of normalcy is slowly returning!  Next chore:  A mammoth supermarket run.

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