Woses by any other name...

During a delightful albeit rather damp wander through Westonbirt today I was astonished to see one of the Drúedain peering out from the undergrowth. I couldn't think of the name while we were walking and ran through Woozles and various other options; it was Woses I was thinking of.

The colours are beginning to peak now, although it's a transition that goes on for several weeks. Depending on the weather to come it's a place to go to now or maybe in the next fortnight. If there's a storm it'll be over before it begins. In any case Janet and I along with Sheol and Cathy had a smashing stroll in the autumn rain.

Since Sheol has dropped some extras I have too. He's plainly delighted to stop for lunch, and for the most part it was probably the driest bench in Westonbirt for which we were ever so grateful too. And a HDR shot from within one of the magnificent Japanese Maples (luckily not so much wind)

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