Happy Birthday Mum

I certainly went starry-eyed wrapping Mum's birthday gifts!

In other news, just back from the vets with Stella. She needed a kennel cough booster and I also wanted to discuss her sore legs and excessive drooling which I presumed to be side effects of her epilepsy medicine.

It wasn't our usual vet which made Stella rather anxious but the new lady was happy to spend time with her and within a few minutes got her to accept a biscuit and an examination :)

She thinks it's actually a touch of arthritis and has prescribed anti-inflammatory painkillers for a trial rather than stress her further with X-rays at this point. She thinks the drooling is her way if conveying that she's upset rather than crying. Hopefully the new medicine will work and both symptoms will ease :)

Lent food: chicken pasta salad for lunch, stir-fried duck & veg for tea.

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