Auf dem weg - On the way

We had quite a road trip to do today because of son no 2's new computer. This new custom built desktop for serious gaming and game technology studies does not work, either the graphic card or the Windows files are corrupted. It needed to be sent back to the builder but both son and builder were afraid sending it by carrier would be tricky. So off we went to central Netherlands. I don't get out much apart from grocery shopping and the family visits so a serious drive is the way to do some drive-by camera shooting of other things than the garden plant and wild life. One of the things we passed on the way is this art installation as part of the noise barrier construction along the A28 (the road from Utrecht to the North and vice versa). It's by the German artist Hubertus von der Goltz and called 'Auf dem weg'= 'On the road, on the way'). Obviously it also has something to do with balancing in life and on the road. The bird was a real one, not part of the installation, as you can see from the shot I took when we were on the way back (extras)

For Wild Wednesday with thanks to Cailleach for hosting ;-)

Tomorrow's optional theme for Abstract Thursday is 'kitchen abstract' and the tag will be AT276

Thanks very much for the kind comments, stars and even a heart for yesterday's origami crane !

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