Further my skills

By H0tamer


On my (nearly) daily hike I often see signs and complete texts in a font that I, even after over 30 years in this beautiful country, often can't read.
What the heck is a Drink-Dough? Or do they mean some kind of binge?
In this case even more complication is caused by the double point on the "i". So this is sauf-te-ige? Sauf is drink/booze. But what are te and ige?

Only looking at the other signs shows that what looks like an f is in reality an s. So it is saufsteige, a track  for sows. Many many years ago, the pigs were taken to the woods to eat acorn and other nice snacks. This "steige" leads to an old, big oak, over 300 years, 29m tall, with what used to be a well (I believe I mentioned the drought in previous blips). The pigkeeper met at this oak.

(Another letter is the one you see on the left sign at the back. It doesn't say Rlein, no, it says Klein (=little).)

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