
3years 117days

I picked Katie up a little early from nursery today, to go for a bit of an adventure. We went with a friend to the bowling alley, for the first time that Katie's ever been. I'd tried to explain to her, showed her pictures. She didnt really get it - she asked to take her little powerball with her!

When we got there, the noise freaked her a bit at first. She's still not great with loud noises and places. But did very well compared to hows she's been before. She just cuddled and got on with it. She refused to wear the VERY cute little toddler bowling shoes. She claimed two bright pink bowling balls (thankfully second to lightest!) although she only wanted to use one specific one. She pushed it off the rolling thing and laughed. Then panicked as she saw her ball disappear. It took it reappearing for her to decide that bowling was in fact fabulous. She would roll it off, then immediately drop to the floor to watch the ball go along. The little monkey beat me. I bowled like garbage tonight!!

After bowling, we headed to Frankie & Benny's. We had a bit of a wait, she drank a lot of soda & blackcurrant and danced to the music. She deliberated very hard about her meal, changing her mind twice as the waitress took the order. She managed a couple of slices of cheesy garlic bread, then fell asleep. And stayed asleep. She is likely to be very cross tomorrow that she missed her ice cream! We had fun this evening.

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