
By Dibsie

Day at the zoo

It's my mums birthday on Sunday and I decided to surprise her by taking her to the zoo today, seeing as she hasn't been since I was 8.

We had a brilliant day. Started it off by going to a lovely tea house in Winchester, where we had poached eggs on toast, which mum had never had before - they were cooked to perfection! Then later on we got more stuffed over afternoon tea (I didn't realise there was going to be so much cake and scone!) and had fun seeing all the animals. We decided after much deliberation that we both loved the Meerkats but my favourite were the Giraffes and my mum's favourite were the Red Pandas.

I took the SLR with me and got a few shots that may be passable but I won't know until I get them onto my laptop, which won't be for a few weeks.

Photo 46 of the 365 challenge.

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