
By strawhouse


I had planned to meet Mrs C at Wendover Woods this morning for a walk with her new dog Leia (who I was calling the new puppy but discovered is actually fourteen months old now! Where does the time go?!!)
I woke to the sound of hammering rain and the sight of grey leaden skies and thought it probably wasn't worth driving for an hour for a walk in the woods in the rain. So we decided to stay more local and went for walk round the soggy fields near Gawcott.  It was lovely and we didn't get wet, whoop whoop!!
I popped home to swap Archie for Mr K and we went into town to have a cup of tea at Esquires. They have a nice little courtyard so we could sit outside which I prefer at the moment. I haven't actually sat in anywhere to eat or drink since my birthday lunch on March 15th. 
Blimey, that seems like a long time ago!
And also no time at all, how can it be October already?!!
I met my mum in the shop after picking up Miss L from school. We bought a load of stuff the other day to sell in the run up to Christmas and rather than leaving it all sitting around in boxes for weeks like I normally do, we were super organised and got it all priced up and in today. It looks ace!
Hopefully it will all sell by Monday and we'll have to go and get a load more.
Had an exciting call from the estate agent in Nottingham on my way down to the shop. They've had a woman make an offer which would still be under auction conditions so 28 day completion and loss of deposit if they pull out. She didn't even want to see the house apparently!!
I stupidly left it until after 7pm to call and say the price was fine. Now I'm panicking that she'll have changed her mind!!
My mum and dad came back up with me after we'd sorted the stuff in the shop. We had another meeting about where we are with the full and final settlement.
If I ever backblip the last year, this'll make more sense! 
I forgot to mention that Penny sold last Thursday. Having heard nothing from Mr P for nearly three weeks I nagged at Mr K to call and see what was happening. As usual he texted rather than called...... But the reply was a very pleasant surprise: Yes sold, out next week.
Whoop whoop!!
So Penny's sold and my house is potentially sold (everything crossed!!!!!) so things are looking a bit better than they were. 
And I bought another sofa to sell as I sold one over the weekend. 
Houses, campers, sofas, candles, soap....... I do like selling things!

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