Well Parked.

I have passed this for a few weeks now and just had to stop and get a picture.
The owner came out wondering what I was doing (I thought it was in the grounds of an abandoned church, but apparently it is an occupied 'house').
I explained that I just found it highly amusing and had to stop and get a picture. He agreed and appreciated that I had deliberately not got the number plate in.

I manged to avoid the torrents of rain this morning so stayed dry on my meal rounds.
The Council have managed it again and moved people without passing on the information so that was a load of meals taken back to the office in the hope they can be passed on.

The change in the weather has had SWMBO in bed for most of the day.
I spent most of the afternoon playing at the lathe and trying not to break any fingers when it came to sanding the inside of a very 'interesting' shaped piece of Holly.

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