Tom Crawford

Lacking any sort of useful communication from our insurance adjuster (not made any easier by the lack of internet and WiFi services) we were delighted to see this man at our door today. He is the ‘field inspector’ who did a thorough damage analysis of our property, inside and out. He will submit his findings to the woefully inadequate adjustor, Alicia, and somehow a figure will be reached . I didn’t mean to behead him in the thumbnail for he was very helpful and went out of his way to explain how things work in insurance land.

I know that these people are all overwhelmed by disasters, (Tom lives in Oklahoma and travels around from one disaster to another to help out) and that communication has been made even more difficult because of our inadequate/nonexistent phone service, but this woman has made only one attempt to ‘reach out’ to us as she so annoyingly puts it, after countless calls from us. Unfortunately she seems to be in charge of our claim unless we can find out who her supervisor is...

As we were showing Tom around, we saw mini geysers which erupted from countless breaches in the irrigation when the water turned on. One more thing to add to the list....

I walked up to the top of our blackened ‘field of dreams’ to watch the helicopters come and go. They are taking down the burned wooden telephone poles and replacing them with more wooden telephone poles, which we watch toiling up the hill on flatbed trucks. If I felt so inclined I could sit under a burned tree, and count the number of light blue PG&E trucks going up and down the road all day, but it is a LOT! One would think they would at least put in metal poles.

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