
happily singing away at Greys Court today :)

Furlough Day 183, 15.10.20

After a nightmare journey, when a loud 'pop' frightened me out of my wits -  I thought I must have a puncture, but all the tyres were ok and the car wasn't listing to one side or anything.  I came to the conclusion it was the idiot 'boy racer' style car with the big exhaust that was right on my tail, backfiring :(

A fabulous autumnal morning of wandering around the deserted gardens (only 4 cars in the car park but the lady on the gate said they had full bookings for the first 30 minutes!) followed by a coffee and a huge naughty piece of coffee cake, and more wanderings :)

I've also been in the shop today and was rather naughty as I bought myself a drawing kit, in advance of an insignificant birthday coming up very soon :)

In other news Addy the little girl I told you of the other day has just come out of 4 hours of brain surgery.  If you're a prayer, please pray for continuing and uncomplicated recovery from surgery....

Happy Thursday folks :)

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