
Another day and another mindless blip and blog. It gets harder and harder to comment on life when it is so shallow and bleak. Nobody seems to be enjoying life at the moment and we are advised that there is little to look forward to in the near future either.

I met one of the Merry Widows for coffee in you know where, and warned her about dressing warmly because of through draughts. With neither of us seeing people or going anywhere, conversation is limited as we and our coffees get colder and colder.

A new notice has appeared on the tables which allows for scanning the QR code and fill in contact details in the resulting form. The only trouble appears to be that there is no WiFi in Soderberg and by their own admission the 4G connection is bad. I couldn’t get the form and it’s doubtful how many people managed it. The solution would be to get WiFi installed but that would mean students turning the café into an extension of the University Library which is what is happening in other cafés in the area- one student to every available table with a long cold coffee at their elbow.

With great difficulty I forced myself out for a walk round the Marches this afternoon and wore gloves for the first time since last winter. Dreich is such a good word.........

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