
By JennyOwen

Something to look forward to

A day of feeling a bit under the weather. So I've caught up with small things: clearing out worn-out horse riding kit that was ready to throw away, storing away the riding stuff that might come in useful for occasional outings with friends, taking a load of cardboard and household recycling to the council tip. Tip trips are rationed to one per car per day, I discover. Not a limit that I'm likely to test.
Richard has a bad attack of sciatica, so he's not doing much either.
This tiny orchid was a present from an old friend who now lives in Australia, on one of her rare visits back here. I've had it for some years now. Each year it puts out a long spike with stunning cream and maroon flowers, with long, delicate petals. It always reminds me of her. Definitely something to brighten up the winter gloom.

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