
By fennerpearson


I'm not sure that I've ever had a muse. Back when I was writing lyrics, I didn't really write much about girls and being in love. Also, I didn't have many girlfriends.

I don't suppose one's muse has to be a person. If you like drawing or taking photos of your cat, then your little feline chum must qualify.

Extending that argument slightly, then this field, just behind the cottage in which I live, is the closest I have to a muse. I like taking photos of it in the early pre-dawn light and again just after dawn. I've enjoyed photographing it in the snow, when it looked beautiful.

It is full of interesting dips and rises, sometimes it has sheep, sometimes pheasants, and it also contains the pair of trees - the ones in the centre of this shot - that, for some reason, remind me of a pair of lovers.

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