Day Today

By Feathers14

To Summit All Up

Well, at least the pun is better than the picture - sorry, Blip.

This was the final speaker from the first day of the summit; Reem Asaad. She was introduced as the third most powerful Arab in the world, which as far as introductions go, is a pretty bloody good one.

She spoke about KSA (The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) and her activist work there, to fight for equal rights. Hearing about the country, its history and culture was fascinating . It's incredible to think that despite women making up 57% of the country's University graduates, women represent just 10% of the work force, and the roles they can do are severely limited. Retail is essentially the only sector that women are allowed to work in, but Reem Asaad is campaigning for change.

Women aren't allowed to drive, in KSA, and there is no public transport system, to speak of. It's fascinating.

Warwick Economics Summit organisers did an amazing job of getting some pretty big speakers to the event - the speaker before Reem was a bloke called Andrew Bailey... Take a look at any of the bank notes in your wallet; it's his signature that's on them.

My first ever PhotoOps as part of PhotoSoc and it was sick. I just wish I had some better shots, but it's all part of the learning process. I had my bro there to offer some help and advice.


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