
well, yes, it's a rubbish photograph, but it's the only time this summer that I've been able to take any photograph of the night time strolling wild boar that roam here.  Tucking into green hedgerow, I seem to have been too excited to hold my phone still for the shot.  There were four of them on view - love to see them but wouldn't want to get too close.

The pic was taken as Graham and I returned home tonight after dinner at Baron restaurant in Akbuk. Earlier, I had walked down to Fevzipaşa seafront to take a photo for the day (extra) and buy a few provisions, when I ran in to Jeremy, Ulkem and the boys who'd been in the sea so we went for an impromptu drink and catch up for a while. Loved R's sunglasses. His photo (extra) would have been my shot were it not for the boar. These events brought what had hitherto been a dullsville day to a very nice close. 

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