The ghosts in the Hangars

I fear that this is what our lovely hangars will look like for generations.  The beech trees, which dominate are fine but throughout the ash trees have died away.  Intending to plant ash that is resistant at the new house. 

We walked up there today and finished with a late lunch at an eccentric pub The Harrow.  I’d never been but Sarah recommended it last night.  Cash only and by the time we got there the only food was soup.  Which came in old fashioned china, warm home made white bread and butter sliced from the block, paper and all. It was delicious!  With some local cider and in Vik’s case Brandy* it was a great end to the walk.  Bumped into Sue cycling to get their car from Froxfield so feeling well local. 

*V never knows what to order in pubs and normally goes for Southern Comfort but the waiter at The Harrow had never heard of it so V asked for Cognac.  Waiter hadn’t heard of that either but knew what brandy was.  V asked for the most expensive so he didn’t get the cooking brandy.  

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