Windmill 'De Korenaar', Oirschot

'De Korenaar' = 'The Corn Man', or something like that. It sounds a little bit like 'The Coroner'... hahaha!  'Oirschot' = silent 'i'.

A big win today at court.  The trial was by videoconferencing.  The Viking and the Judge were at it for two straight hours.  The Judge is new because the previous judge was merely on temporary assignment to that court, so this new Judge was given a permanent appointment.  He had read on the case beforehand, but wanted more details than could be gleaned from the documents, so the Viking told him the entire history upon his request.  The ruling was in my favour.  However, the Judge now wants a second session, this time with Jay present.  Jay will be issued a subpoena for this purpose.  Now, here's the thing -- nobody knows Jay's current address.  In May 2019, I had already provided the Viking with Jay's last known address but he has moved twice since then, without notifying 'the general public', most likely in an attempt to discourage any legal action from me, thinking that if he can't be found, he can't be forced to appear.  Very unsound judgement because he forgot that if he cannot be found and cannot obey the Summons, he will lose by default.  You must be wondering, as most likely a handful of other people are also wondering, why Jay, with all his money, cannot simply pay for the services of a solicitor.  Oh, but he does have a solicitor, but appearances indicate that he hasn't been very truthful with this solicitor, probably with the mistaken idea again that if the solicitor does not know everything, he, Jay, won't have to listen to any advice this solicitor might give him and won't need to ask the solicitor to do anything else but the minimum and, therefore, Jay won't need to pay him that much.  Mimi once called Jay a miser, even for his own good.  I agree with that.  Besides, Jay prefers to listen to his favourite counsel, his cousins the Macs, the same ones who've been bleeding him dry these past years.

Jay found out a little more than a year ago that (following the Viking's advice) I had filed an Adverse Claim for every piece of property now under his control.  Most likely, he wanted to sell one of these for cash, but the Adverse Claim prevented it.  Jay asked his counsel to file a counter claim to have my claim dismissed.  The date for this hearing has been constantly moved, first due to the virus, thereafter on the Viking's request (the Viking cites conflict of schedule as the reason, and I don't think he is lying because he has to attend trials even in other provinces).  Naturally, if our final session will take place first, Jay's hearing will become irrelevant.  This final fight will be to take total control of Jay's company, the company which now technically 'owns' all the real estate in question, and which has been proven by the Viking to be nothing more than a privately-owned company in disguise, with a Board of Directors that has no real function whatsoever.  Evidence of this was given to the Judge during the 2-hour session today.  In short, Jay will be given one last opportunity to explain himself and his doings.  That is, if he gets the Summons at all ... which most likely cannot be delivered anyway, despite all attempts on our part, because we no longer know where he lives.

In my heart, I have no desire to punish Jay this way.  He is mentally incapacitated and physically handicapped with Type 2 D, with all the terrible consequences of this disease.  My real target is the Macs, who have abused him all these years.  Blind as he is, though, he insists on taking full responsibility for their actions and on protecting them, apparently because they've brainwashed him enough to believe that they are acting in his best interest.  I already saw this when I visited way back in February 2018.  

During this hearing, I stayed up all night while the Viking was videoconferencing, ready with phone and computer in case he needed information.  AW brought up his mobile phone and the Viking called me when it was all over.  I was so tired by then that my body felt cold and I was shaking all over.  The Judge appears to be very thorough in his methods and that is good to know.  It will mean that I will not win this one simply on the basis of a flimsy pile of documents but because my rights to what is at stake cannot be contested.  Years ago, I turned my back on the whole thing because I wanted to give him all the room he needed, knowing that he is mentally and physically deficient and cannot take care of himself.  It is now obvious to all that he is not able to do that and refuses to be helped properly.  If I take my share, hopefully they will stop bleeding him dry, and they have taken a lot already.  Mimi will secretly keep an eye on their goings on, at least as far as they post events on social media, because they know that Mimi and I are as thick as thieves.

The Viking and I are now waiting for the date for the final session.  It will be later this year, we think.

Anyway, back here, stayed awake till 06.00, woke up at about 11.00, and then amused myself by driving out to Oirschot to shoot this one.  A lovely one, but the café is following the new COVID restrictions and will be shut for a month, a rather forlorn scene.

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