
By Transitoire

Saint Valentin

So rushing into school for my one lesson, I am reminded of real life! It still surprises me that I have this almost double life here in once both working woman and partying student. Sometimes these lives collide a bit too much! I will admit, after my lesson with the quatrième INTER I went back home and went to bed for a much needed sleep...

Now, Valentine's Day...personally I find it to be a whole lot of tosh, and would rather not have anything done at all! Hence my actual inaction in terms of romanticism. However, I really wanted to do something nice for the girls, as Claire's boyfriend is in England and Becky, well, she keeps saying that she is the "perpetual singleton"...and I was not having that! So everyone came round to mine, and I cooked goulash, we had Angel Delight for pudding, drank cider, listened to music and generally just had a lovely chilled out night. Could not have asked for anything better!

So, not really done much else today, so will leave you with this quote:-

Personne n'est parfait. Je suis moi-même particulièrement sensible aux courants d'air.
Nobody is perfect. I, myself, am particularly sensitive to draughts.

Oscar Wilde, always getting it right. Happy Valentines y'all!

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