Progress report?

Remember this?
Almost back to rights.  Still short a chimney and the odd bracket, but recognisable as a shadow of its former self.
With a number of extras to spare; I thought we'd "have a wee peek inside" to quote from a folk song from way back "The legend of Brian Boru".  It's not particularly rude, but hasn't made it to Youtube and I have neither the voice nor playing ability to add it.
First extra - One side of the interior showing this chest of drawers.
Second extra - The other side complete with stove "Well alight"; I have not the foggiest idea whence that came.  The tack(?) was never completed; whether i have the requisite skil/inclination is in question.
Dad did all the manufacturing; there's a sort of "5th wheel articulation"  allowing the Shafts to turn, composed of two cocoa-tin lids as an example of the old fellah's lateral thinking.  Mam did the cloth bits, but I have no idea whether Mam wove the carpet runner or I did.  Doesn't look too special, probably me.

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