PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Bubu Bear

It was an incredibly misty winter morning in Chat Dau Valley this morning. The trees were all coated in a thick layer of white fog and the temperature was lovely and cool. Most of the bears were still wandering around foraging - picking up the last few scraps of cabbage and corn stalk browse. But Bubu had already has his fill and was curled up in a the perfect sized hole dug in the ground having an early morning snooze. Half his luck!

Last day working on my own. Everybody but one should be back on deck tomorrow after relaxing and revitalising holidays over TET. I hope everybody's enjoying their Sunday :)

NB: I watched a very moving little video clip today that has had a profound impact on me and I feel that everybody should watch this and make their children, family and friends watch it also. Some of the images are heartbreaking and gut wrenching and definitely shed some tears myself. But it delivers a very important message about how far and widespread we are having an effect on our environment and wildlife. I owe it to the birds in the clip to share their story to as many as possible and i know I am preaching mostly to the converted on here. But please if it effects you as much as it has effected me, then share it on yourselves.

Midway Film

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