
Well what a turn around in the weather today.This morning was so dark, that it looked more like December than October, and here it is now in my blip, glorious sunshine bringing out all the startling yellows, oranges and reds of the leaves on the turn.

I had an action packed 2 hours first thing today, walking to M&S for its 8 am opening to buy vegetables and then home to make a huge vegetable stew and start a bread baking before a Zoom call at 10am with my book group.

Lunch time and a meet up with EcoDad who was at a blood letting nearby. It turns out we are related by blood being in the same blood group and it isn’t a common or garden O either. Should I ever need a blood transfusion, I’ll keep him in mind.

We had another session of robust discussion on the Soderberg settee - New Man meets Old Fashioned Woman. No topic was sacred, Gender, Royalty , Private Education, Nationalism and Work. I think there were some points of agreement but it didn’t really matter, it was just good to argue without falling out.
And he got the loaf, hot out of my new toy.

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