All is Lost

The little wallet containing my bus pass and senior Railcard is lost.
I had it on the bus from the garden centre on Monday at lunch time but when I tried to find it today, it was gone. You know how it is when you lose something you go over and over the same pockets and places it might have been hiding, almost believing that it must be there, but then finding nothing.
I messaged Lothian Region buses and the Police lost property department, with no luck. I suspect someone younger is riding about Edinburgh on a bus for free or a train at reduced rates.

It’s certainly difficult to get a replacement. This can be done at the library, but you now need an appointment and the next available one is Thursday, although I have been given a phone number to try on Monday. Meanwhile should I require a bus, it will cost me £1.80 a pop - it’s just as well my leg is recovering so that I can walk most places again.

I thought this blip of a bin of bottles served as a sign of our times. I remember months ago commenting on the number of bottles people were putting out for collection with seemingly no shame, but I didn’t really believe that nothing would have changed half a year later.

I had a lovely telephone catch up with my Kelso friends who spend the summer up here and the winter down near Oxford. Their dilemma is whether it is safer to go with Nicola rather than Boris. November 2nd may provide the answer.

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