October Showers

It did what it said on the tin- it rained, then there was sunshine and just as you acclimatised to that, it rained some more.

I was lucky to pick an interval of sunshine to pay a visit to the Dundas Gallery in Dundas Street to see the last day of a retrospective exhibition of mainly watercolours and illustrations by Marjorie Campbell who was 4 years above me at school. I’m so glad I made the effort to see them- they were so clear and free that they seemed to make painting with water colours easy, which if anyone has tried, is the exact opposite.
It was good to catch up with her sister, who was the year ahead of me at school and her niece who were both manning the gallery today.

The town was busier than ever. No wonder we have such a high rate of Covid up here, the whole world and his wife seems to be stalking the streets. Bring back foreign holidays in numbers soon.

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