So Stobo- not!

This should have been the weekend the distaff side of the family went to Stobo Castle for a spot of pampering, but earlier in the Covid saga, we cancelled, Stobo closed and we licked our proverbial wounds.
Stobo opened again at the beginning of October but we decided it was too risky this year and will content ourselves until next year.
The decision to cancel wasn’t hard to make but the loss of our girls-away weekend is harder to bear.

Still, it could have been worse, the weather today was sunny if not a bit blowy and I sat with one of the Merry Widows in the sun and the robust through draught in Soderberg for an inordinate length of time before we parted and I returned to take a beautifully appointed loaf of bread out of the bread maker. It had David and Luca’s name on it so I walked the 2 miles to their house to deliver it hoping that my leg wouldn’t protest too much ( no bus pass, too tight to take a bus for £1:80).

Meeting two of my old castle neighbours on the way home made my Sunday a very sociable day. It’s always strange to hear about other people’s children you remember when they were at nursery and primary school becoming fathers and mothers. ; so good to catch up and hear about their exploits.

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