
in the front garden trough :)

These are some of the plants I got the other day (and I've planted bulbs underneath) :)

Furlough Day 192, 25.10.20

Warning - long story!

What a night last night!  

Charlie blotted her copybook last night by bringing in a 'live'  mouse :(

None of my cats have ever brought anything in before, and when she shot through the cat flap I hadn't realised until the mouse shot across in front of me!  I

It freaked me out completely!!!

I shouted loudly at Charlie, and she shot back out again, so I locked her out in the pouring rain.  Its her own fault....

 I tried to chase the mouse back out but it was having none of it.  In the end I had to knock on a neighbours' door - so embarrassed as I didn't know how to catch it.  

S  was very helpful, he came across with thick gloves and a very bright torch - but it took over an hour of the wretched thing going round and round the room, and then under the door into the understairs cupboard (mental note to clear the cupboard out and get rid of all the boxes I still have that I don't need!), then back into the room and doing a dance among my pots in the fireplace.  Finally under the door into the hallway.  

S sat on the stairs and tried to get rid of it, it shot up the outside of his trousers and he still couldn't catch it.  Eventually I trapped it with my foot against the wall and persuaded it out of the open front door.  PHEW!!!

Unfortunately because I was so wound up, I know my blood pressure was up, and I couldn't relax or sleep most of last night.  I woke up with a jump several times having either dreamed about mice or thinking there was one on me.  I'm shattered today, but I've turned the living room out and hoovered thoroughly everywhere to get rid of any droppings etc (I hope)....

Charlie is well and truly in my bad books at the moment.  I haven't let her go out of the cat flap, but only in and out of the door (and now its dark in the evenings I've got the excuse to keep her in.  She'll just have to get used to it)!

In the extra - the defiant and unforgiving cat on the front doorstep!

And that's been my weekend!

Happy Sunday folks :)

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