Hamamatsu, The Sand Dunes and The Pacific Ocean

Morcheeba - The Sea

Brought together through similar circumstances, and confirming each other for others, meeting up with friends for travel creates a necessary displacement from the norm. The freedom of breaking away from the everyday releases a pleasant energy. Its radiation permeating a pulse of energy that guides our hearts like a metronome into the great unknown; the motivation of living another day.

Although all relationships are for reasons of the ultimate mystery (the emptiness of "Why?"), the miracle of seemingly random expression is further solidified through mutual affirmation.

My friends and I went to Hamamatsu on the pretense of trying something new. We ate two sittings of Gyoza (a local cuisine available throughout Japan of Chinese origin but famous in this area) and eel. The day was finished with a 90 minute all you can drink alcohol buffet at a Spanish / Italian restaurant. It was great simply just to be there and enjoy each other's company. The Nakatajima sand dunes were great, albeit cold during this season and were covered with romantic couples. The three of us were appalled and jokingly created a "singles" and "couples" zone, even as so much as to throw rocks and breaks sticks in the air at nothing in protest. It was rather funny. You can see my friend mid process on the horizon.

Although love in some circumstances can be quantified, the quality of love surely stretches beyond known criteria of measurement. Many believe there is something more (Having My Way With Words).

Whatever the case, being by the sea, feeling and seeing something new whilst being with friends provides, at least for the most relieving of brief moments, a sense of cathartic cleansing; that there is more beyond the everyday in front of you.

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