
By misswinterfinch

Anti-Fracking Demo in Oxford (NY)

Driving to Norwich town to get even more fabric for the perpetual dressmaking (see past blips), I passed these enthusiastic citizens out in the freezing cold and demonstrating against the well drilling for fracturing shale gas known as "Fracking. "
So far the outcry has worked to keep more wells out and those many already marked turned off. At least that is the case for little Oxford Village which voted in the last council meeting to ban fracking from the village. But the governor of NY state still will be making a ruling for the entire state at some point soon. Highly political situation for him awaiting the environmental study.
Until this little group of chilly people, their dogs and small children are running around out there in the park behind them, started pushing back against big oil and the need and greed of locals who are selling out to the drillers, it was a foregone conclusion that Oxford would easily go the way of nearly all the other towns and villages in what is known as the Southern Tier (of NY State).
I was supporting them from the start, but honestly did not give much hope because of the pressure from big oil companies and the lobbiests in Washington D.C. Serious "David vs. Goliath" discouragement on my part. But, here they are, some of the heroes of the Anti-Fracking movement in the Southern Tier-Oxford, still outdoors bringing the issue to the community's awareness.
There is a longer capture with all the signs showing up but this one seems to say more with the group chatting, the Turkey Dinner at the local church and so forth.

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