
With K returning to school and A going into work, it was for me to walk Django. There had been a beautiful sunrise, but I only saw it on Facebook, and the partially clear sky that had produced it was only on the eastern horizon,. So, it was dull, but at least dry. The walk gave me the chance to think through a (non-coding!) work issue, and I was happy with the solution. Then it was back to the code-face and, after a careless mistake in the morning cost me an hour, I was back in the groove in the afternoon.

As Facebook reminded me, this time last year I was in Washington State, exploring the Pacific Coast and hiking in the Olympic National Park on an unforgettable 3-day road trip after a conference in Seattle. It all seems a lifetime ago but, surprisingly, I don't miss travelling like that. It was great to take the opportunities at the time, but wouldn't seem right now. Maybe it never will again.

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