Torrential Tuesday

A WET day.
Just as I was debating about taking Fletch out for a soggy walk the hospital rang to change Ms appointment  from the afternoon to " How soon can you come?"

A dash around to get ready and we were out and deposited M at the doors within half an hour. Parking is impossible in the hospital carpark as half is now taken over with a drive in Flu jab area so I parked about 5 minutes away. The rain was relentless and by the time I met M again Fletch and I were WET. Actually I was ok apart from  my feet, my waterproof boots now let in! 

A perfect afternoon for listening to my audio book while trying to finish the last of the 'lockdown' jigsaw. There is just the sky to do.. ,its of similar shades of blue grey.

The rain eased off to walk Fletch for his teatime walk... now in the dark. Oh I do not like this time of year. 4 months to go before its daylight at teatime again. It was also cold!

Watched 1917 tonight. We ve been meaning to watch it since our walk to Thornton Force last year was held up because they were filming there. We had to wait until theyd finished a take and by then there was quite a few of us waiting . They then shepherded us across the river and up the path. I dont think the man was too happy with me as I insisted waiting till all the people had gone over the rather precarious footbridge as there was a sign that said no more tha 2 people at a time. I wasnt taking any chances!
Fingers crossed that it wont be raining much tomorrow.  We re up to Penrith as the car needs something replacing . At least it's a trip out. 
Blip is of the corner of our kitchen 

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