
Shot this in the backyard, when it was less drizzly.

MOOCking, my colouring book, and AW, plus some housework.

If the wind goes on this way, there'll be no leaves left on the trees by next week.

In the evening, AW called me from downstairs with some news about a bridge acquaintance of his who lives in AMS.  Many years ago, they got to know each other online playing bridge, and they have met and played on live tournaments in many places around the country.  They connected again recently online due to the restrictions and played regularly.  Six weeks ago, just before they were to begin an online game, she texted AW that she was feeling unwell.  She'd had lunch with a good friend somewhere in town.  A few days afterwards, the friend tested positive, and now she wasn't feeling good at all.  AW told her to stay safe and take it easy.  After that text exchange, six whole weeks of no news.  We became uneasy and I urged AW to text her and ask if she was okay.  Still no response.  We became very concerned and feared the worst.  And then this evening, finally, a text message -- she indeed has been very ill, and, in fact, has just left the IC at the AMC after having spent two weeks there, on her tummy, with an intubator.  She's been taken off the breathalizer and is now in a recovery room where she'll have to stay another two weeks.

We were in shock.  And we were relieved, of course, but how terrible to realize how swiftly it can go wrong.  It seems that one minute you can be okay and the next one at the brink of death.

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