Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

We are appreciated

October is pastor appreciation month around these parts and this year the church has upped its game.

Never more in my ministry years have I felt less like a pastor. At least I don’t feel like this year I’ve been able to pastor like I usually would. I’ve felt a little lost frankly, and as a result have worked overtime to find new ways to pastor the people.

And their own personal frustrations at life have many times been aimed at me. (This week I received an email from an email list I am on from a well known pastor with the Subject: Why everyone in the church is mad at you. -Exactly) So it’s been a challenging year for all of us.

In spite of that, or maybe because of it, there have been many cards and generous words for us.

We are grateful for this patch out here in this field yet we still hope and pray for health, life and a return to normal.

For today, I’ll take the cards and kind words. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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