Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Alternative Churchill

We planned to go into Brighton first thing this morning as there were a few places we needed to go, and we wanted to go before it got busy. I also planned to go to the supermarket as I didn’t get chance yesterday.

However, we woke up to the news of an impending lockdown, so I called the Vets to try and got an appointment for Bobbie & Milou to have their claws cut and glands done, which are covered under the Pet Health Club. They’re booked for grooming at the end of November, but this is likely to get postponed and the Vets will stop offering appointments that aren’t essential so I thought it was good to at least get this done. Anyway, fortunately they could fit them in at 10.15am so we changed our plans and went to the supermarket at 9am. We took the boys in the car with us and while I was there, Alan went to Pets at Home to get the boys’ food and we were finished by 10am. Called at the vets and we’re home for 11am.

Just as we pulled up onto the drive it started raining very heavily, so we quickly unloaded the shopping and decided to delay going into town until this afternoon when the weather looked brighter. Alan watched the F1 qualifying and I watched The Sister which I’m really enjoying. Then at 2pm, the sun came out so we headed into town. It was horrible though, so busy! So we quickly did the things we needed to do and went home again.

When we were walking back to the car, I spotted this colourful street art of Winston Churchill which I think is brilliant and gave me my blip for today.

Boris announced a press conference at 4pm which was delayed until 5pm and subsequently kept on getting delayed. Eventually I decided to put the dinner on, and sure enough once I did, the conference started. As expected he announced a second lockdown starting next Thursday, pretty much like we were back in March but with schools and universities staying open. I think it needs to happen, but like last time I think they’ve reacted too late and this should have been done a couple of weeks ago.

Happy halloween!

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