Surprise, Surprise! It

Just when I thought I was going to be ‘Billy no mates’ at coffee this morning, I was saved by the appearance of blippers Magpie and Just Sitting who had made a supreme effort to join me at the early hour of 10am and keep me entertained for an hour and a half. Apart from my family connection with Magpie, I have a shared connection with Just Sitting having both lived in the same town in Lanarkshire once upon a time.

It’s looking very windy and bleak as I write but it was a sunny morning. I just missed the rain which is setting in now as I nipped out to get some wine and brandy. It’s not all for my immediate consumption- well the wine maybe, but the brandy is for the Christmas cakes to drink over the next 6 weeks.

My Grandfather, who disapproved of playing or working on the Sabbath would have been horrified to know that 60 years later his only Granddaughter was out, not only shopping for alcohol on a Sunday, but also enjoying a café visit too. How times have changed for the better in that time. I just remember Sundays being so grim and boring back in the day, filled with Sunday school and visits to elderly Grandparents where children were largely seen but not heard.

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