Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

In the zone

As opposed to in the zoom. 

All the young ones were on great form today, I’m amazed and happy to have three such fab progeny. The Dizzle couldn’t join the call unfortunately as he only rolled in at 7.45pm after a 12 hour shift, but he had obviously worked his socks off. 

TGR had FaceTimed us earlier as she watched the dawn rising spectacularly over her local lake in British Colombia- see extra - the shot is straight out of the camera, no photoshopping. Gorgeous.

Our day was productive and relaxed, TSM in particular spent nearly two hours on a call to a close friend. Talking to people is never time wasted in my view, it’s what we are about as human beings.

I made some improvements to the Home Office, did some cleaning, and we did some planning for TSM’s new workspace. 

Good day.

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