
By snapman

A Little Honey

hi' my name is Honey and I was 7 years old on the 10th February at which time I was being cared for by the Perth branch of Cats Protection. My past few years haven't been very happy with me being in and out of foster homes and with people who said they wanted me then changed their minds when they found out I didn't behave like a kitten. This kind man and his lady have taken me into their home and have made me feel very welcome. I'm trying to be especially good so that they'll adopt me and keep me forever.

So far honey has been lovely, can't understand why she was rejected so often. Mind you, we've only had her for a few days so maybe there's still some horror yet to unfold! I so hope not.
Fortunately we're reasonably experienced cat people (notice I said 'people' and not owners. You can't own a cat, it's the other way around!) and have a little bit of understanding of the more mature ones.

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