becoming one...

...with the sky

or might it be nature

it’s a rare occurrence - to see geese flying overhead - near my house - but it happens - and when it does - i usually don’t have time - to get a shot - but today, me and the boo - were bird stalking - heard tell tale sound of honking - yes honking - that beautiful sound geese make - as they fly - communicating with each other

then they came - out of nowhere - which is generally the case - in a perfect formation - except there were a few stragglers - this being one of them - he appeared to have been - shot out of a rocket - on a trajectory for - parts unknown and certainly not - part of the perfect formation - it was an odd sighting - but he was on a perfect - path to go right by us - i gulped in disbelief - but kept my camera steady - snapping when appropriate - squealing at the boo - that it was indeed...


happy day.....

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