Dragon rock

Maureen, Chris and I went for an early morning shoot in the desert.  Up at 4.00am to watch the sun rise.  Getting too old for this, I was in bed by 9.  Was worth it though,  we had a lovely sunrise.  

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 210 new cases, 1 fatality and 321 recoveries today.

A second national lockdown is due to come into force in England on Thursday.
Ukraine close to catastrophe,  registering a record 8,899 new Covid-19 cases in the past 24 hours, up from the Oct. 30 high of 8,312. Total infections stood at 411,093 by Tuesday with 7,532 deaths.
France could reimpose a night curfew on Paris,
Polish authorities are considering tightening restrictions,  the number of infections had passed 400,000 after doubling in less than two weeks.

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