Melbourne Cup

We decided to have our own little Melbourne cup celebrations. Got all dressed up, enjoyed some bubbles, had a little race draw and ended the day with a lovely lunch. My 4 horses did not cooperate

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 230 new cases, 2 fatalities and 362 recoveries today.
RAPID Covid-19 test kits, priced at BD4 each ($10), will be made available in some pharmacies in Bahrain from today.
Bahrain has granted emergency approval for the use of a coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine on frontline workers who wish to receive it.  The move yesterday follows the successful completion of the phase three clinical trials of a potential Covid-19 vaccine on 7,700 volunteers.

Number of coronavirus patients in U.S. hospitals reached 50,000.
Nationally, the number of hospitalised Covid-19 patients rose over 64% since Oct. 1

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