First frost

This morning I headed out for my run a little more prepared for the cold than I was yesterday. It was still dark and quite foggy at 6am and by the time I got home it was light and there was a frost on the ground.

It will be last day of relative freedom today and I will be getting things sorted at work in readiness for whatever may be.

I am also looking forward to seeing my mum and sisters this evening for dinner which we have rearranged. We were due to meet this coming Saturday but of course, like many others, that cannot be.

My son has his last swim session tonight and the club has been amazing in rearranging their competition x, which was going to be taking place next week. Swim England invited clubs to take place in a virtual gala so that swimmers can get official times and rankings for the year. Normally this would have been done on best times in races throughout the year. So tonight our club is running their gala, closed to the parents of course, and our local bbc news are going along to interview the club’s chair and film some of the event. Quite exciting for the swimmers and it will be a lot of fun for their last swim.

My photo today is of some of the frosty leaves I saw during my run this morning, leaves that have fallen to the ground which I find so attractive at this time of year. A blanket of orange and browns on the ground.

I hope you all have a lovely Wednesday x

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