Happy anniversary to me

And my husband... today marks 13 years married. Time is one of those remarkable things isn’t it? Sometimes it feels as though time flashes by so quickly and other times it is completely the opposite. One thing is for sure is that time does seems to go quicker the older you get.

After a few days of uncertainty I headed to the office today expecting to hear news of how we would facilitate working from home but it seems that plans are moving very slowly. Too slowly for me! I do not deal very well with being in limbo, when things are not in my control and this very much a challenging time for me. I would be happy working at home, or in the office, but I just would like to know which!

I hope the next day or two brings some clarity.

In other news, I was pleased to have found out my opticians appointment on Thursday will still go ahead, as this was very overdue and I certainly need it.

This evening, being our anniversary, we will be having a couple of glasses of wine and perhaps a chocolate or two to celebrate. Why not?

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