
It was a gorgeous morning today. Sun, low winds and blue sky without a cloud. While having my breakfast I thought it would be a good idea to have a walk while the going was good. Half an hour later I was out there, noticing there was a few clouds visible at the horizon and the wind was increasing a bit but still nice and sunny. In an incredibly short time I found myself involved in a major change, as you can see, the hints of blue sky is now far away and it's chilly in the strong wind. I was almost home so I didn't mind and I like exciting weather but it made me think I must be living along a meteorological highway.

The rest of the day did, as usual, contain quite a lot of music but also a visit to IKEA to get two specially designed screws for a coat hanger that fell down the other day. I thought those screws could be had everywhere but they shook their heads and pointed in the direction of the big blue and yellow store on the mainland. I'm having guests at the weekend so I really needed them too. I did need other things from town so I had a nice couple of hours on the mainland.

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