
By Jamjar

My hall looks a mess, and it is, but it will be sorted. The partition wall has been moved to the left of the meters/consumer unit/gas pipe and the original cupboard had to come out so that the new front door/side window and meter access-from-the-outside door could be installed.  I've had another joiner round this evening to quote for building a new cupboard, plus shelves for shoes. 

The first tradesman two days ago was young, very young, and I wasn't confident that he'd understood my requirements... but I'll wait for his drawing and quote. The tradesman who came this evening understood right away and did a rough sketch... spot on and he made a useful suggestion too. My money's on him, possibly literally but let's see.

There's so much to do in my house, and although most of it was expected it's still  sometimes difficult to organise things in the right order, but then I haven't ever had to project manage before!

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