Bales again

10.7C and feeling warm in the sunshine again. Hardly any breeze.

Dentist this morning. You might recall I had occasion to go on the 28th of January and I got a 'dressing' put in place. The filling it replaced actually fell out days earlier but that was the first appointment I could get. Today my filling was replaced ... again.

My dentist remarked on the dressing being missing.
"It lasted one day" said I.
"We better get something in there then" said she, and smiled.
Then there was drilling without anaesthetic.

I am fascinated by the light they use to set the new filling. They have a coloured screen they put between the light and themselves.

To my dentist's credit I didn't have to pay as it was less than the guarantee period since the filling was last replaced. She also did the checkup I was due in a week or two so that appointment was cancelled and I go back in 6 months ... assuming my filling doesn't fall out :-)

Maeve the deerhound and I went for a walk after lunch. Usual route. Much sunshine and a touch of warmth in the sun. Distinct signs of the fields drying out. One of the trailers was near the top of the field with the bridle path today, loaded with bales from the rows that were left near the top of the field. I wonder if the will all be gone by the end of this week. Dry weather is forecast.

There were one or two dog walkers on the beach. I didn't count. People were about at the Fishermen's huts too. The place feels much more active. All due to this splendid spell of weather :-)

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