
By Mindseye

Leaf it all on the floor

A heavy nights sleep....woke up with a fuzzy head.....went down to mzke us a brew, we lazed and didnt get up in a hurry.

After breakfast we decided to walk into town as it was sich a sunny bright morning. Collected hubs prescription, a paper and a take away coffee from Costa, which was consumed, sat on a wall, away from folk lol ;-)
Nice in the sun and it gave hub a rest before walking back. Todays blip is the cut through from town to our estate, looking rather golden and leafy in the sunlight.

We were waiting i. for a call during the afternoon, which didnt come....so not much done. I did make some soup and prepared tea, panfried haddock, potatoes, peas and oven roasted tomatoes.

Watched tv all evening, It takes two, then hubs team.....they won, now top of the Premiership, go Saints!!! Then Gogglebox and Graham Norton, whilst sipping a couple of JD & cokes :-)

Stay safe everyone, enjoy your weekend.

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