
By RogMull

Stirling campus..

For the first part of today, I was at the University of Stirling meeting a range of post graduate students and staff. I took my camera, but forgot the data card, so couldn't take a photo with it. Idiot. I did have my iPhone however, and as the light was great, during a coffee break I took this photo rather than accessing any caffeine.

(I have got a number of meetings this evening, so I wont have any time to take any other photographs, and this text has to be rushed.)

What a wonderful campus students have at Stirling. Here we can see part of the loch and in the distance behind some trees, some of the student residences. Although there is still a lot of brown around, and barren trees, it wont be long until this scene becomes even more colourful. But time for me to rush off to yet another meeting. I'll try to remember all of my camera for tomorrow.

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