Gallery Lilies

I do love the smell of lilies and these white ones in the gallery manned today by daughter#1 and her partner provided me with a blip; it’s a pity the image is not a scratch and sniff one, although I am aware that a lot of people don’t find their scent pleasant.

I have had a particularly busy day on the culinary and social fronts. My first port of call this morning was Waterstone’s to buy the autobiography of Janey Godley, she of the Nicola Sturgeon voice overs. She hails from the East End of Glasgow and was heard to joke that an oxo cube was a starter for a dinner party there. I don’t think daughter #4 who lives in the east end of Glasgow would be amused.
I met a neighbour in the M&S café and we had a long blether before I met up with daughter#1 and was given a big bag of cooking apples from the garden in Cullen. I lugged the bag homewards being pleased to have a rest and chat with one of his Lordship’s young gym friends. It’s a long time since I did so much talking with different people
Of course a bag of apples means a lot of peeling, but enough were prepared to make an apple crumble. There are a few more apple crumbles still to make.

The city was particularly busy today.. It was another glorious morning after a misty start and It was hard to believe we were in the 3rd level of lockdown with so many people about in the sunshine. The crunch must be after 6pm when cafés and shops shut, but by that time I am in my baffies with the blinds closed and the lamps lit- a case of ‘’I’m all right Jack!”

News has just come through that Biden has won the US election. Now we await the Trump fireworks.

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